Beaverbrook-ers are welcome to join an Open House meeting of the KBCA Planning-Legal on Wednesday 13 Feb at 7:00 pm, at KBCA, 2 Beaverbrook Road -- to be joined by our Councilor Marianne Wilkinson.

The purpose of this short meeting is to share with you what we know of the #2 The Parkway situation including summarized advice of our Lawyer.

Following the meeting KBCA Planning-Legal will consider next steps.

This meeting on Wednesday 13 February will be just a week or so before the close of the period of Appeals.  

(It is not possible to delay until the KBCA General Meeting scheduled for Wednesday 27 Feb 7 pm at the KBCA Centre, which is after the closing  of the Appeals period.)

This is an inter-active meeting.  You will be briefed and invited to discuss/advise.  Can you please attend? 

More information?  Please let me know.

Gary  613 270 1119

The KBCA Annual General Meeting will be held Wednesday 27 February, 2013 at 7 pm, at KBCA Centre, 2 Beaverbrook Road.

Please attend.  This meeting will set the direction of the Association for the next 12 months. 

The meeting will include:

  • short introductions
  • concise reports on the activities of the past year
  • financial statements
  • election of Board and Executive
  • interactive session on plans for 2013

During the break, First Kanata Scouts will present a short visual highlight of their recent Arctic adventure (which the KBCA helped support.)

Light refreshments will be offered.  Come, meet your neighbours and get updated!

Information?  Gary 613 270 1119


Dear Beaverbrook-er, please join us at a meeting of Planning Committee at City Hall on Monday, January 14 a.m. on #2 The Parkway, exact meeting-time to be confirmed.

KBCA and circles of friends are preparing 5-minute presentations.  Please let us know, if you intend to present (please see below for sign-in procedures), so we can avoid duplication and help ensure effective impact.

After 1000 person-nights of public meetings and over 400 of your personal letters to City Hall, the City Planner has sent KBCA his report on #2 The Parkway.  Some of your good input is acknowledged, page 2-5 of the report.  Founder Bill Teron also submitted a testimonial statement separately posted on this KBCA website.

With this input, KBCA developed its position "Keep to the Plan" funded by many generous donors with paid help from 2 professional planners and a reputable lawyer.   KBCA would keep the present zoning, which allows a building of up to 5-storeys -- about the height of the mature Kanata forest -- and with spacious set-backs characteristic of Beaverbrook. 

Marianne Wilkinson supported KBCA’s position strongly, both in her own words and in her research on Kanata Plan principles dating back to 1972.  The City Planner's report includes Councilor Wilkinson’s words (pages 12-14) and those principles (page 28) as clear, enduring guidance. 


Here are a few notes to help you in your review: The developer has now reduced his proposal to 7 storeys.  His proposed density, 95 units on this half-hectare lot, is over twice that of other high rises in Beaverbrook.  As the City’s report says page 7, it is "a large increase from the typical density within the Beaverbrook Community".  The report suggests the City of Ottawa can allow extra height by imposing setbacks and a stepped-down facade not required by regular Ottawa urban zoning.  In Summary on page 10, the report says, "this location is appropriate for infill and intensification of the scale proposed."  The report adds "it does not substantially change the character of the neighbourhood."  It refers to Atriums nearly 250 metres distant, but not to the bungalows across the street, on nearby Banting, nor to the townhouses at Salter.  It supports its recommendation with a reference to studies of an un-built rapid bus transit station within 600 meters, which so far is not approved, not budgeted and lies decades in the future if ever.  

To guarantee seating please plan to arrive at the Champlain Room by 9:30 a.m.  There could be some last-minute adjustment to the meeting schedule.  If you wish to speak to the Committee or hear this item, please call Christopher Zwierzchowski at 613 580 2424 extension 21359 on Friday, before 4 p.m. for an updated agenda.

If you do choose to speak, please fill out the form (download here) a copy of which will be at the meeting-room door and either send to the Clerk or present to him before the meeting starts.

Gary Sealey



A few pictures from our Dec 5 Christmas Party...

KBCA last general meeting of the year (just before the Christmas Party**) will be a time-saver Special General Meeting on 3 December at 7 pm at the Beaverbrook Community Centre (2 Beaverbrook Rd.).  This short meeting is an opportunity to review recent success and prepare for the New Year.


  1. Councilor Marianne Wilkinson will present a brief summary of the outcomes on #2 The Parkway with short q&a  City Staff expected to attend.
  2. house-keeping motion: That KBCA ask the membership, at a special General Meeting to approve the spending of up to $12,000 from the Reserve Fund for legal and planning costs as required.  
  3. preparations for next year's February AGM, nominations, plan to honour those who served/donated, enhanced the community
  4. winter schedule of KBCA events/activities

**(This meeting takes place after the Traveling Village Dinner on December 1 -- and before the Christmas Party on December 5.


You’re invited

Saturday December 1st, 2012

6:00 P.M.

One of a few garden cities in the world, award-winning Beaverbrook is a system of parks, walkways, soft pedestrian lighting, curving streets, rock out-croppings and randomly planted trees. Families of all ages live here together.  But times change.  No longer are the supermarket, shops and post office the natural meeting places.  So we need to find new ways to connect with each other in order to keep the community strong.  That’s why we created the Beaverbrook Travelling Village Dinner.  And you asked us to do it again. 

Urban planning with a vision.  Let’s celebrate and plan to stay ahead.  Let’s keep Beaverbrook at the cutting edge of urban planning where human scale is respected and knowing your neighbors matters .      

Let’s keep talking.  More than ever before we need to talk to our neighbours and to get to know each other.   We  need to say hello next-door and across Beaverbrook to people you’d normally never encounter.  It is great to meet up with each other.  You know, be neighbourly, make a friend and build the community.   

Count yourself in (and pass along the invitation to your friends and neighbors) .... by calling me, Eileen Howell, (Director of the  Kanata Beaverbrook Community Association) at 613 592 8754.  Or email me before November 17th at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to confirm your participation.  Scheduling is made easier if you can do anything that is needed be it the appetizer, main or dessert course.  But please let me know what you decide.    

I’ll sign you up to host one of three courses and send you detailed instructions about your commitment and your personalized evening’s itinerary.  Just like last year, you’ll host one course for 6 people at your home (or at the Mlacak Centre for appetizer hosts).  In return, you’ll spend the evening travelling to different homes in Beaverbrook with different people for each of the other two courses to share food, drink and conversation.  By the end of the evening a lot of people who live, practically just around the corner, will no longer be strangers to you.  This year, we’ll all be together for appetizers, not for dessert as was the case last year.

How does the travelling dinner work?

The travelling dinner is similar to,  but different from a progressive dinner, so please read on.
First step:  Notify Eileen that you want to participate.   Tell her which course your will do for 6 people and say your 2nd and 3rd choice too in case she needs more flexibility.  Eileen will collect the names, assign the guests and give each household a personalized itinerary.  
Appetizers:  Designated couples will  arrive at the Mlacak centre with a plate of appetizers for 6 to serve to people as they arrive 6.00 p.m.  Those not designated to provide appetizers will arrive at the Mlacak Centre at 6:00 or soon after. All will leave the Mlacak centre at 7:15.
Main Course:  Each household will follow their personal itinerary to the Main Course host’s home, to arrive at 7.30.  Because the main course host has been at the Mlacak Centre for appetizers, the main course will need to  be something that has been prepared in advance, with a table ready to sit-down to (or trays if you prefer a buffet main course).  Main courses need not be complicated.  The goal is to enjoy the evening.  (Martha Stewart has not been invited.)  A period of one and a half hours will be allocated for the main course.
Dessert:  All will leave their main course host’s home to arrive at the dessert host's home by 9:15
Do not worry about the mechanics.  You’ll love it.   Once Eileen has your name, email, phone number, address and your choice of course (1st, 2nd and 3rd) that you will be responsible for, you will receive a schedule as to where to go.    This will be published just before the dinner on December 1st. as there are always last minute changes due to illness etc..... 
Allergies and special diets:  The hosts will not have time to accommodate special diets.  They will not know who their guests are till just before the event.  If you need a special diet, please plan accordingly.