An updated presentation from Neil Thomson of the KBCA on the 1131 Teron Rd. redevelopment proposal:

KBCA presentation on 1131 Teron v.1.2 


The Kanata Beaverbrook Community Association invites you to enjoy curling outdoors.

When: Saturday Feb 8, 10:00am to 2:00pm

Where: Rink behind Stephen Leacock School on Leacock Drive

Teams of five people, including one man, one woman, and one child can enter.  The cost of $5 per team will be donated to the Kanata Food Cupboard.  Get registration forms at the Scotia Bank Beaverbrook branch or the Kanata Barber Shop, or email your request to enter a team to the KBCA at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Entry deadline is Feb 5

KBCA’s Planner’s Professional opinion on the current 1131 Teron Rd. proposal.

Summary: KBCA’s Professional Planner recommends the city refuse the Nov 8 2013 version of the 1131 Teron Proposal

KBCA presentation on 1131 Teron from the Dec 17, 2013 public meeting

Summary: KBCA position – Too High & Too Close


Tuesday December 17, 2013 Kanata United Church 33 Leacock Drive 7 pm – 9pm

Tell City staff your reasoned views on this proposed development.  How will it affect you, your property values and the character of Beaverbrook? 

7 Key Questions 

At the meeting, please speak directly on the following questions about the proposal for 1131 Teron Road.  Follow up with your written comments directly to City Planner, Louise Sweet-Lindsay Planning and Growth Management , City of Ottawa, 110 Laurier Avenue West, 4th Floor, Ottawa, K1P 1J1 (613-580-2424, ext. 27586) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  please copy to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

1. Compatible development must enhance and coexist with existing development without undue adverse impacts.  It is development that “fits well” and “works well” with its surroundings.  Tell the City: is this condition met (y)  (n) Why?

2. When reviewing infill development within the General Urban Area, it must recognize the importance of new development relating to existing community character so that it enhances and builds upon desirable established patterns and built form.  Tell the City: is this condition met (y)  (n) Why?

3. New developments must reflect a thorough and sensitive understanding of place, context and setting.  Tell the City: is this condition met (y)  (n) Why?

4. The City will specifically assess Zoning By-law Amendment applications in terms of building height, massing and scale, rear and side yard setbacks and landscaped open space permitted by the zoning of adjacent residential properties as well as the prevailing patterns established in the immediate area.  Tell the City: is this condition met (y)  (n) Why?

5. In considering a Zoning By-law Amendment of additional height, the City will seek to protect and enhance existing patterns of development, built form and open spaces.  Tell the City: is this condition met (y)  (n) Why?

6. Interior portions of stable, low-rise residential neighbourhoods will continue to be characterized by low-rise buildings.  New development, including redevelopment, proposed within the interior of established neighbourhoods will be designed to complement the area’s pattern of built form and open spaces.  Tell the City: is this condition met (y)  (n) Why?

7. The City has a new transport oriented development policy.  There is the possibility of post-2031 funding for a rapid transit site on March Road.  Do these conditions justify permitting a big development here -- and now? (y) (n) Why?

Tips for your letter and comment to the City

It’s not enough to say simply you disagree with the proposal, if you do.  For instance, comments on traffic are rarely enough to turn down a proposal.

Take care to reflect in your letter or email some of the above official zoning policy aspects guaranteed by City official by-laws.  These are the main questions which the City Planner will formally investigate as she evaluates the proposal. Make her job easy!  Use your own words to say whether the proposal meets them?  Be specific, with examples, and clearly answer the question, “why?”

More info?  Gary 613 270 1119

See full story at the Kanata Kourier Standard.

A second public consultation meeting concerning the revised proposal for the re-zoning of 1131 Teron Road will be held:

Tuesday December 17, 2013, 7 pm – 9 pm

Kanata United Church 33 Leacock Drive, Kanata


Developer Phil Bottriell has very recently, after a 5 month long hiatus, submitted a REVISED proposal for the re-zoning of 1131 Teron Road, Kanata to allow a nine and three storey condominium on approximately 1.6 hectres of land.  This development will be less than 15m from Teron Road.  It will hugely compromise the privacy of a number of adjacent homes on Bethune Court, Gingras Court, Jackson Court and Varley Lane. 

Details of the revised plans to the city under application #D02-02-12-0041 can be viewed by the public here: D02-02-12-0041.

We encourage you to go to this link and see the details of this revised proposal as soon as possible.

From feedback already received the majority of Beaverbrook residents are opposed to this application because it does not fit the character, height or size appropriate to Beaverbrook.  Instead it belongs in the Town Centre lands between Campeau Drive and the 417 which is the city designated location for this type of building (as originally planned by Bill Teron).
Your help is needed and there are two simple actions you can take:
  • Show up for this meeting on December 17th and let your views be known.   Our councillor, Marianne Wilkinson, will be there and she knows how many people are in the room and even from which neighbourhood (from the sign-up sheets).  We need to make sure the meeting is well represented.  Numbers here are highly visible.  Sign up for email notification of meetings at  
  • Write your comments directly to the City Planner in charge of this application, Louise Sweet-Lindsay, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Comments must be submitted no later than about one week following the public meeting on December 17th.   You can also indicate at this link if you would like to be notified on future meetings and decisions of the Planning Committee regarding this application.
These two simple steps, taken by hundreds of people rather than dozens, will have a significant impact on perception at city hall.  It is essential for people to come forward. As an individual citizen your input does make a difference.  It does have an impact on the City.  And we especially need to know how this proposal will affect those who live in its direct proximity. Your voice does matter!
When writing or e-mailing the City consider any of the following zoning aspects from the City by-laws in your letter or email.  Where possible, be specific, with examples.
  1. Compatible development must enhance and coexist with existing development without undue adverse impacts.  It is development that “fits well” and “works well” with its surroundings.
  2. When reviewing infill development within the General Urban Area, it must recognize the importance of new development relating to existing community character so that it enhances and builds upon desirable established patterns and built form.
  3. New developments must reflect a thorough and sensitive understanding of place, context and setting.
  4. The City will specifically assess Zoning By-law Amendment applications in terms of building height, massing and scale, rear and side yard setbacks and landscaped open space permitted by the zoning of adjacent residential properties as well as the prevailing patterns established in the immediate area.
  5. In considering a Zoning By-law Amendment of additional height, the City will seek to protect and enhance existing patterns of development, built form and open spaces.
  6. Interior portions of stable, low-rise residential neighbourhoods will continue to be characterized by low-rise buildings.  New development, including redevelopment, proposed within the interior of established neighbourhoods will be designed to complement the area’s pattern of built form and open spaces.