Here is a news item from Friends of Lansdowne...

Although there is no news on the legal appeal, there continues to be activity on the Lansdowne project.

  • City staff has quietly approved the Phase 2 Site Plan for Lansdowne Park. Last fall, Ottawa City Council delegated almost all authority for approving decisions on Lansdowne to staff, meaning that there is little opportunity for public review or comment even if there are major changes to the project.

  • Architecture Canada, the national association representing over 4000 architects, has sent a letter to Mayor Jim Watson critiquing the phase 2 site plan. The professional group observes that serval significant public-oriented design features in the master plan approved by Council in June 2010 have been dropped in the final site plan. Specifically, it notes that the following amenities have disappeared:

- the central plaza with a pavilion and multilevelled public spaces

- the 'veil' from the north side stands of Frank Clair Stadium

- the public art program in the mixed use area

- the interpretive walk

  • See the letter from Architecture Canada here.
  • Mark your calendars for the Lansdowne Soil Remediation Public Meeting on Wednesday, March 21, 2012. The City of Ottawa will host a public meeting on the soil remediation plans and risk management measures for dealing with the contaminated soils at Lansdowne Park. At the last public meeting on the subject, citizens raised concerns about possible risks to human health as well as risks to the environment and the Rideau Canal. There were also many questions about the budget for the clean-up and whether the City was being transparent about the mounting costs for soil remediation.

According to City staff, the draft Certificate of Property Use will be posted by March 15 on the Government of Ontario's Environmental Registry at and the Risk Management Plan will be posted on the City of Ottawa's website at For more information, you can contact Nancy Horton, Program Manager (Disposals and Environmental Remediation) at the City of Ottawa at 613-580-2424, ext. 21219 or by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Lansdowne Soil Remediation Meeting

Wednesday, March 21, 7 to 9 p.m.

(Presentation at 7 p.m followed by questions & answers)

St. Giles Presbyterian Church, 174 First Avenue

Friends of Lansdowne continues to monitor activities related to Lansdowne Park. We hope that our legal appeal will be successful and that this costly, sole-sourced, public-private scheme will be stopped and replaced with a fair and open public revitalization project. But whatever happens, we will work to make sure that this important public space is developed responsibly.

We continue to need financial support for our work and to compensate our lawyers for their incredible hard work on the project. Please donate again if you are able to.

Thanks for your support. Let's Get it Right!

Tune in to our YouTube channel to watch our new "Keep To The Plan" video.  It is also hosted on our "Keep To The Plan!" website at


An Open House Public Forum On the proposed up-coming Ontario Provincial Budget will be held:

March 1st, 2012 6:30—9:00 p.m
at Earl Of March High School, 4 The Parkway, Kanata

The Carleton Mississippi Mills Provincial Liberal Riding Association and the Carleton Mississippi Mills Liberal Women’s Association are co-hosting an open public forum to gather your thoughts on the proposed up-coming Provincial Budget.

Everyone is welcome to participate in a non-partisan review of the Drummond Report and pre-budget consultation.

No charge.  Coffee and cookies will be provided.  It is your turn to share your ideas.

Dear neighbour and supporter,

It’s time to count our success and take a big, refreshing breath!

Hundreds of people in our community and beyond now know each other and appreciate their community better because of KBCA fall activities in Beaverbrook and across Kanata.

Several of community goals have been advanced including reaching out to each other, highlighting our heritage values and preparing for the future.

Partly because of our work, the City has also been reflecting on citizen concerns and on the need for rational, community-related development.

Spot rezoning must come to an end.  Rubber stamping development proposals in the name of “intensification” cannot continue.  Developments must reflect neighbourhood character and contribute to the well-functioning of the community.  We will continue to promote sound planning policies and pursue a just and principled planning process.

Opportunities for citizen support of good urban development with environmental protection will grow through 2012.

The recent public meeting arranged by Kanata North community associations with others showed public encouragement for strengthening a wide network of people all across Kanata and Ottawa.  Attendees applauded the concept of a citizen-led urban forum, committing to models of human sustainable development, and preparing for practical steps in the evolution of our City.

Focusing on good, just and legal urban development will be particularly important as the city starts to review and re-craft Ottawa’s Official Plan.  Over the coming weeks and months our strength, resources and collective knowledge will be tried.   The public will require even more cooperation among public voluntary groups.

Please come to the KBCA Centre (2 Beaverbrook Rd.) on February 22, 7:00pm  to support open community election at the KBCA annual general meeting.  An independent nominations committee is now recruiting community-wide candidates for a neutral vote of directors.   Please send nominations to “Kanata Beaverbrook Community Association” at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   Your own candidacy is welcome.

For now, let us congratulate each other and reflect on our collective learnings and achievements from a heady and happy fall and winter campaign. Thank you!  Applaud each other.  You deserve it!

Gary Sealey, President
Kanata Beaverbrook Community Association

Please remember to mark Wednesday, February 22 at 7:00 p.m. on your calendar.   Please come to the KBCA Centre (2 Beaverbrook Rd) for your community election and  KBCA annual general meeting.

You will meet your neighbours, enjoy free refreshments and vote for your choice of many new candidates candidates for the Board of Directors.

Bring $10 in cash or cheque payable to KBCA to update your membership and voting privileges.  Or, please click on the Membership PayPal button below. It’s safe, fast and easy.  Please try it now.


This has been an exciting year and there is more to come!