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Ottawa City Council took its first step to designating Beaverbrook as a conservation district, when it approved a Motion November 26 by City Planning Chair Peter Hume, to undertake the preliminary studies required by the Province of Ontario.
"This initiative which we recommended to Councilor Wilkinson and Planning Committee after extensive public consultation", said Gary Sealey President of Kanata Beaverbrook Community Association and Vice President of Federation of Citizens Associations, " will help guide evolution of Beaverbrook consistent with its character as a Garden City".
"We want to guide evolution of Beaverbrook based on its based on its established character", said Gary Sealey. "The idea is not to fossiilize the community but to be true to its valued principles. Much documentation has already been carefully collected. Given the support we got from City Council, we will ask residents, enlightened businesses and experts to help the City make sure the designation-project is accurate and complete. With good field work, consultations and expertise this project will become a valuable precedent for all neighbourhoods in Ottawa."
About 400 residents asked KBCA to petition City Hall to protect the Beaverbrook character. A cross-section of others including real estate leaders indicated their support for the project.
Beaverbrook is the oldest residential part of the original City of Kanata, soon to celebrate its fiftieth birthday. Now amalgamated into the City of Ottawa Beaverbrook is encircled by some of Canada's most valuable employment lands exporting products from a busy hi-tech business park and served by a growing Town Centre.
Bill Teron who conceived Kanata and developed its first main stages, has continued to reflect and inform others on its values. Mr Teron is highly regarded for his achievement and has been awarded both the Jane Jacobs Lifetime Achievement Award and the Order of Canada. Councilor Wilkinson, first Mayor of Kanata, strongly supported the Motion to launch the designation-project.
More info? Download Bill Teron On Kanata Values and Heritage.pdf
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Please join KBCA reps at a City consultation on a the Zoning Study on building heights in the Kanata Town Centre and key intersections throughout Kanata. City Planners will be showing new provisions for buildings heights for mid-rises and intersections.
City staff will present and you will be asked to join an interactive discussion that will identify areas where additional building height may be appropriate.
Mon Nov 18 7 to 9pm at the Kanata Recreation Complex 100 Walter Baker Place on Terry Fox Drive near Hazeldean
Your participation is important. Come, meet your neighbours, get an update on what's being proposed. Have your say! Give City and KBCA your views.
KBCA reps and networks have been active in a federation of community associations trying to fix and improve Ottawa's Official Plan and Transportation Master Plan. We asked for improved transit, recognition of the special character of Beaverbrook, need for improved paths, complete sidewalks in some dangerous areas, better landscaping and controls along specific roads, intensification of townsite areas, more weight for Kanata-Stittsville and Southern reps in plans for outside Greenbelt. Some of our requests hit receptive targets. Our councilor is supportive. At City Hall 15 November Mr Hubley also joined our request to Councilors to form a Councilors task group on transportation and appropriate development, for Kanata-Stittsville, and possibly other Western and Southern Wards.
More info? http://ottawa.ca/en/city-hall/public-consultations/planning-and-infrastructure/public-meeting-november-18-2013
Gary Sealey, President 613 791 6729
cc Neil Thomson, KBCA Planning-Legal
cc Volunteer Researcher/Analyst, Faith Blacquiere
(Did you know: you can rent the KBCA Centre at 2 Beaverbrook Road for parties, indoor games, community events, business meetngs: Low rates.Daily cleaning. contact: Frank: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 613 592 4435)
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Please come! meet your friends and neighbours at the KBCA Centre, 2 Beaverbrook Road, Wednesday, 6 November, at 7 p.m. The meeting will include updates on key topics. Councillor Marianne Wilkinson has confirmed her attendance.
Get briefed on current activities of KBCA and preparations for 2014! Take an opportunity to have your say on the City’s Official Plan before City decides!
Note: open KBCA Board Meeting 6:30 p.m. Public, interactive meeting at 7 p.m. dealing with Kanata and the City to 2031. Please encourage Beaverbrook neighbours and mature Youth to come. The issues and direction touches all our community futures.
Gary Sealey, President
Draft Agenda
Short updates: 10 minutes or so
· Report on Board Administrative items 2 min
· Christmas Party 1
· Planning-Legal -- Development activities for:
· 1131 Teron -- (Marianne received new materials this week) 2
· 100 Varley (expect a proposal early December; "pre-consultation") at City Hall 2
· 2 Parkway status 1
· Teron Road re-design 1
· Traffic complaints, Varley (and other?) 1
· KBCA Community Centre -- status of owner's plans/ Marianne; refurbishment 1
Have your Say! Interactive 40 minutes or so
Have your say! Questions for our Councilor – input to next day’s meeting at City Hall on Draft future Official Plan and Transportation Master Plan proposals for Kanata Town Centre and Beaverbrook etc., residential areas;
Need more info? please see Backgrounder on Beaverbrook-Kanata-Stittsville – Zoning, design and Transportation including sidewalks, Transit, etc. http://ottawa.ca/sites/ottawa.ca/files/kanata_stittsville_backgrounder.pdf
(Upcoming City Hall dates: Nov. 4, Transit; Nov. 8, Planning Committee; Nov 15, Transportation Committee.) More? voluminous draft revisions to Official Plan. http://ottawa.ca/sites/ottawa.ca/files/op_draft_amendment_en.pdf
Please save the date; come, meet your friends and neighbours!
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Help us to identify some immediate and long-term ideas for the community centre’s use in beaverbrook!
The KBCA is asking residents to assess opportunities for the community centre and to provide feedback on the types of programs and services in which Beaverbrook residents are most interested. The intent of the study is to generate suggestions and ideas that will allow the KBCA to respond to residents’ feedback and explore opportunities for our community centre.
We need your input and ask you to please take a few minutes to answer 10 questions: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/BeaverbrookCommunitySurvey
To ensure a widespread response, we encourage you to share this survey link with your friends and neighbours by posting our Survey Flyer.
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Please put Thursday 17 October, 6 pm on your calendar, Kanata Recreation Complex!
City of Ottawa is bringing its final draft Official Plan to Western Ottawa as well as Transportation master plan and Infrastructure master plan -- setting direction for Beaverbrook, the entirety of Kanata, Stittsville, Rural Villages and the rest of the City to 2031.
Drop in, inform yourself at that official session same day, same place, anytime after 4 pm -- and at 6 pm migrate to Kanata Recreation Complex "Meeting Room", to discuss and network with neighbours and friends. Depending on interest a short time may be available for exchange on additional, timely items including Suburban Design.
Enjoy workshop Thursday, 17 October, 6 pm, featured in a series of city-wide Federation of Citizens Associations public consultations.
A neutral facilitator will welcome you and all Participants to contribute to a Summary consultation report and as well to send comments directly to the City before the deadline!
Free! Please circulate to your friends, neighbours and networks!
Groups, please bring community information for display.
Have your Say!
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To the topping off ceremony at the site of the Expanded Beaverbrook Branch
Thursday, September 19 at 2:30 p.m.
2500 Campeau, Ottawa
Please RSVP by Tuesday, September 17 to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The expanded Beaverbrook branch will better serve residents of Kanata as well as Carp, Stittsville, and Richmond.
A “topping off” or “topping out” ceremony occurs when the highest structural element (last important beam) of a building is about to be put into place. The beam will be signed by Mayor Jim Watson, Library Board Chair Councillor Jan Harder, local Councillor Marianne Wilkinson, and project partners. Light refreshments will be available following the ceremony.