Dear friends of Age-Friendly Ottawa,

COA Ottawa has published its Bulletin for Spring 2013.  This edition features the results of the public consultations with seniors and identifies key objectives and strategies for community action.  Colour printed copies are available at the Council on Aging. We will ensure that as many seniors as possible receive printed copies, as per our distribution plan.

Dominique Paris-MacKay
Director, Age Friendly Ottawa / Directrice, Ottawa ville-amie des aînés
The Council on Aging of Ottawa / Le Conseil sur le vieillissement d'Ottawa
101 - 1247, place Kilborn Place, Ottawa, On K1H 6K9
613 - 789-3577, Ext./poste 15, Fax/Téléc.: 613 - 789-4406
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Saturday, June 22, 5:00 pm

(Rain date -- Sunday June 23)

We had so much fun last year -- we are doing it again.  Join us “at the island” to meet and/or reconnect with your neighbours!


•your own lawn chairs, utensils

•your own beverages and meat  

•a potluck appetizer, or salad, or dessert to be shared (6-8 servings)

•bug spray 


•BBQs, tables, paper plates and napkins         


•extra BBQs and tables

•garbage containers/bags, recycling containers

•help setting up at 4:00 pm, cleaning up at the end

•a large cooler and ice

More Info?  Call Barb Dalton (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)  613-592-3420

Please mark Monday, May 13th in your calendar!

Join us at an expert panel discussion on the Emerald Ash Borer beetle in Kanata and the rest of Ottawa.

The panel will feature Joe Meating from BioForest, Sean Barker from and Bruce Gill from the  Canadian Food Inspection Agency.  Dr. Curtis Lavoie from CHEO will be  joining the panel to comment on the health benefits of trees and what this epidemic will mean to the future health of Ottawa residents.  We can ask the experts questions afterwards.

Arrive early to speak 1-on-1 with tree experts before the panel discussion begins. Get the facts for your own situation of Ash trees on your property, and the process and costs of having their trees treated.

Note - If anyone has any doubts that the Emerald Ash Borer will inevitably cause the loss of at least 20% of the urban tree canopy over the next 3 to 5 years, please read Mark Cullen's recent article in the Citizen - "Kiss your ash goodbye"

All attendees will be entered into a draw for a FREE TreeAzin treatment from

Please help us spread the word by sharing this invitation with anyone you think may be interested!

Please see event flyer for more information (linked below).

Hope to see you there!

James O'Grady, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

(On behalf of the FCA (Federation of Citizens Associations) and Ottawa Forests, who have jointly organized this session.), Kanata Beaverbrook Community Association is an active member of FCA

Event Details:

Date:  Monday, May 13, 2013
Time:  7 - 10 pm
Location:  Ottawa Citizen - Community Room, 1101 Baxter Road

The Experts:

Dr. Curtis Lavoie, CHEO, MD
Joe Meating, BioForest, President
Sean Barker,, Director
Adam Murray, Davey Tree, Manager
Bruce Gill, Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Research Scientist

Kanata Beaverbrook Community Association (KBCA) completed its annual clean-up on Saturday, 27 April.

Unexpected among this year's collection was an apple-sized golden "bling" wrist watch found by Lena Kirkham.  Mary Steward gathered and wove errant vines into curious garden wreaths as she looked high and low for windblown trash.  July Gourley extracted a full sized tent from a Beaverbrook stream.  The Wanners were among several families gathering serveral bags of litter.  Gail White, Vice President Bethune Condominium helped KBCA event coordinator Ian Stumpf with volunteer registration. The office of Councilor Wilkinson supplied bags and gloves for volunteers.  

Nobody quite knows when or who in Kanata started Clean-Up Days.  "Neighbourhood volunteers", suggested Gary Sealey, KBCA President.  "Beaverbrook is Canada's first site of street-side waste recylcing."  "Probably the Eighties" mused KBCA Honorary Director, Fred Boyd.  

Come rain or sun, Beaverbrook-ers annually gather winter's waste, bag after bag, and celebrate with sponsored hot dogs, cookies and soft drinks at noon on the last Saturday of April.

An enjoyable community event, a chance to meet neighbours, and good for the environment too!

The Kanata Beaverbrook Community Association, Morley-Hoppner, and Councillor Marianne Wilkinson, City of Ottawa have signed an agreement to protect and enhance forest resources on Teron Road in Kanata.

“This is a first step towards the eventual redesign of Teron Road as a limited access forest-lined  parkway with segregated lanes for bicycles and cars and all-season accessibility for pedestrians”, said Councillor Wilkinson.

Included in the Agreement is enhanced forest screening of #2 The Parkway.  “Our company agreed to plant evergreens and other canopy trees as screening around our building site and to designate funding for strengthening and perpetuating local forest resources”, said Ken Hoppner.  “Pedestrians and motorists will mainly see trees as they pass along Teron Road.  Our building will be sited as a quality address of distinction in a canopied forest enclave.”

“We are beginning a new chapter”, said Gary Sealey, President of KBCA.  “It’s time for the new City of Ottawa Official Plan to avoid future disputes by recognizing the distinctive character, values and heritage features of the satellite cities of Kanata, Orleans and Barrhaven, build up their respective town centers, employment lands and keep their strong sense of home-place.” 

Councillor Wilkinson will undertake a consultation with local residents and land-owners on benefits, opportunities and next steps.  Site planning for #2 The Parkway, to be conducted with community input will be evaluated and guided by the principles of the agreement.

With this announcement, KBCA has withdrawn its Appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board.  “Now that the parties have seriously committed to forest screening and enhancements, the effect will be that of a development which comes much closer to conforming to the character set out for Beaverbrook”, said Gary Sealey. 

John Mlacak, former Reeve of March Township, stated:  “I’m impressed with Morley Hoppner’s approach to understanding the need to respect the unique character of Beaverbrook and I am confident that this will lead to a successful development”.

During their final negotiations the parties to the Appeal worked to achieve as nearly as possible the development standards set by Bill Teron, original builder of Kanata, who was recently awarded the prestigious Jane Jacobs Lifetime Achievement Award.


Gary Sealey, President, Kanata Beaverbrook Community Association, 613 791-6729

Marianne Wilkinson, Councillor Kanata North, 613 580-2474, cell 613 724-0202

Ken Hoppner of Morley Hoppner, 613 831-5490 x 208