The Canadian Red Cross, Ottawa Branch, is willing to offer three courses at the Beaverbrook Community Centre in November. THESE COURSES WILL ONLY BE HELD IF AT LEAST 12 PEOPLE REGISTER FOR EACH COURSE.
The courses being offered are:
- November 15 Emergency Preparedness NO CHARGE. This course will show you what you need to know to survive the first 72 hours of an emergency, such as the ice storm.
- November 22 Babysitting course for 11 to 15 year olds; what you need to know to be a reliable baysitter. All day course: $45.
- November 29 CPR. What should you do in an emergency. Four-hour course, $30.
All courses will take place at the Beaverbrook Community Centre.
If you want these courses to take place, please tell your friends and neighbours and help to ensure 12 people register and pay for the course. Registration will take place from November 1 to November 8. If you wish to register please send an email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. specifying which course.
I will contact you between October 27 and November 8 to ask for payment. If a course is cancelled your money will be refunded.
Jim Shearon, Secretary, KBCA.