The recording for the All Candidates debate from Tues, Sept 7 at 7 PM is now available:
Kanata Carleton Fed Election All Candidates Debate - Tues, Sept 7, 2021
The Kanata Beaverbrook Community Association (KBCA) is partnering with the Briarbrook Morgan's Grant Community Association (BMGCA) and the Kanata Lakes Community Association (KLCA) to present an All Candidates Meeting for the Federal Kanata-Carlton riding.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, this will be an online meeting using YouTube Livestream. Details will be announced closer to the event.
If you have a question for the Candidates, please submit it via email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). There will be no questions from the audience during the meeting.
All Candidates have confirmed:
• Jennifer McAndrew - Conservatives
• Dr. Jennifer Purdey – Green Party
• Jenna Sudds - Liberals
• Melissa Coenraad – New Democratic Party (NDP)
• Scott Miller – People’s Party of Canada (PPC)
The meeting format will be a moderated question and answer session. Candidates will be given a 3 minute open and closing statement, separated by 6 to 8 questions, which each Candidate is provided 2 minutes to answer. The target end time is 8:45 PM
The meeting format will be a moderated question and answer session. Candidates will be given a 3 minute open and closing statement, separated by 6 to 8 questions, which each Candidate is provided 2 minutes to answer. The target end time is 8:45 PM