Help connect with our vulnerable community members who may need help and don't know where to turn.

  There may be 20%+ of our local community who are vulnerable to covid-19 and may need help

Many of them may not be well connected (or are new) to the community, may not have family near by and may not be tech-savvy, or if they are, it's only to email family and friends - so are missing the updates and ways they can get help.

While the City, Province and Federal Governments are doing their part, sometimes the most vital assistance has to be in-community - Neighbour to Neighbour.

Along with many other great ideas such as phoning or emailing your immediate neighbours, the idea of a postcard/door hanger you can leave on your Neighbour's door, in their mailbox or on their front step, provides a way for you to connect, without requiring a face to face discussion.

So in the spirit of creative swiping, we've created our own version of


Referenced by a number of particles, including:

Coronavirus: campaign launched offering help to those self-isolating

Here is the idea:

  1. Either edit the template (see below) to add your personal information (optional) and then print off copies OR print copies and fill in by hand
  2. Using the suggested technique either hang a copy on your neighbour's door handle or stuff a copy in their mailbox or under the door (apartment/condo), door jam and then (optional) politely knock or ring the doorbell and leave
  3. To avoid advertising that no-one is home at your neighbour's home, 2 or so days later retrace your steps and remove the any of the notices that are still visible (whether you have received a response or not)

Editable template:

We've created Microsoft Word editable file templates, which provides 4 per sheet door hangers/post cards per 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper, which you can cut into individual notes and either punch them with a hole punch and use a rubber band as a door hanger, as a hand out or as a postcard wedged under the door, into the door jamb or in the mail box

Files for download (Microsoft Word format):

The file can be edited, including adding your name, address, phone number (can add your email). Note we have given the recipient an alternate option of signing up with the volunteer/I need help registration page directly by email (with the help of their friends) or an email to the KBCA at our info@ email


The ideal paper would be business card stock thickness, but thicker paper or even "what ever you have" computer paper will do. A standard leather hole punch or 3 hole paper punch also works well. A rubber band looped through the hole makes a simple door hanger.