Kanata North COVID-19 Resources
- Details
This page has been created to be a resource for Facebook Groups or any other Social Media to provide a single location for daily updates, key web links and files on COVID-19 that doesn't get lost in the deluge of postings.
This resource has been created for the Beaverbrook Community, but as we live in Kanata North, within Ottawa, it covers information relevant across Ottawa.
If you see something that is incorrect, or missing, please let us know - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Mar 30
- Neighbours Helping Neighbours - reaching those who need help
Daily Updates
- Government of Canada COVID-19 Outbreak Update
- Province of Ontario COVID-19 Response
- Dr. Vera Etches, Ottawa Medical Officer of Health
- Jenna Sudds (Kanata North Councillor)
Web Links
- Government of Canada
- Ontario Government Public Health
- Jenna Sudds (Kanata North Councillor)
- COVID-19 Information
> WHO (World Health Organization) LINK
* Use of drugs to control fever (e.g. Ibuprofin)
> Medical Journals with COVID-19 content (no paywalls)
* Journal of the American Medical Association
* New England Journal of Medicine
* Canadian Medical Association Journal
> Other Resource pages
* UK Coronavirus Handbook - Open Data/Source UK Resource page
- Financial Information
> Personal
* Fed/Prov Personal Financial Support 27 Mar 2020
* Income cut off? Here's how to access the aid you need
* Summary of EI Changes due to COVID-19
* EI Application Quick Reference Guide
* Canada - Economic Response Plan
> Business
* Canada Business App - smartphone app with detailed info for small business owners
- COVID-19 Data and Analytics
> Maps and Visuals
* Univ of Minnesota - Centre for Infectious Disease Research and Policy
* Financial Times (UK) - COVID-19 Analysis
* COVID-19 Canadian Outbreak Tracker
File Resources
- COVID-19 Notices you can post on your door LINK
- Door Hanger/Postcard to ask Neighbours if they need help LINK
- Guidelines for how you can stop COVID-19 Transmission in your community LINK
- Food and Pharmacy Online Ordering, Pickup and Delivery options - Kanata/Ottawa LINK
- Champlain Health list of local grocery stores that deliver LINK
How You Can Help
Organizations looking for Volunteers
- Jenna Sudds Kanata North Volunteer registry
- Volunteer Ottawa
- Food Banks - the immediate need is high and will only increase in coming weeks. Donating money is preferred as the Food Banks deal with Food Wholesalers at a substantial discount and the Banks can order exactly what they need.
- Kanata Food Cupboard - local Food Bank
- Ottawa Food Bank
Give Blood
Unfortunately, despite Blood Services Canada being VERY aware of COVID-19 and sanitation procedures, many regular blood donors are cancelling appointments. This is creating blood shortages which are becoming critical. So sign and give blood.
To donate immediately, sign up to donate at the Canadian Blood Services Donor Centre - 1575 Carling as they have daily appointments available.
- Give Blood - book now
Help Local Businesses & Employees
The impact on local business, particularly hotels, restaurants, pubs - anywhere where groups of people go - complete shutdown. If we don't support them, they won't be here after the crisis is over.
How can I help?
- Buy local
- Order online from grocers for pick up - avoids crowded food stores and ensures the store "pickers" are fully employed. This is the future of grocery shopping - so now is the time to get with the program. Food and Pharmacy Online Ordering, Pickup and Delivery options - Kanata/Ottawa
- Invest in your favorite local business - If you don't need to buy now, buy a gift card for future use.The Kanata North BIA has set up a Shopify Site, which is open to local Kanata North Businesses to provide gift cards
COVID-19 Neighbours Helping Neighbours - reaching those who need help
- Details
Help connect with our vulnerable community members who may need help and don't know where to turn.
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There may be 20%+ of our local community who are vulnerable to covid-19 and may need help |
Many of them may not be well connected (or are new) to the community, may not have family near by and may not be tech-savvy, or if they are, it's only to email family and friends - so are missing the updates and ways they can get help.
While the City, Province and Federal Governments are doing their part, sometimes the most vital assistance has to be in-community - Neighbour to Neighbour.
Along with many other great ideas such as phoning or emailing your immediate neighbours, the idea of a postcard/door hanger you can leave on your Neighbour's door, in their mailbox or on their front step, provides a way for you to connect, without requiring a face to face discussion.
So in the spirit of creative swiping, we've created our own version of
Referenced by a number of particles, including:
Coronavirus: campaign launched offering help to those self-isolating
Here is the idea:
- Either edit the template (see below) to add your personal information (optional) and then print off copies OR print copies and fill in by hand
- Using the suggested technique either hang a copy on your neighbour's door handle or stuff a copy in their mailbox or under the door (apartment/condo), door jam and then (optional) politely knock or ring the doorbell and leave
- To avoid advertising that no-one is home at your neighbour's home, 2 or so days later retrace your steps and remove the any of the notices that are still visible (whether you have received a response or not)
Editable template:
We've created Microsoft Word editable file templates, which provides 4 per sheet door hangers/post cards per 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper, which you can cut into individual notes and either punch them with a hole punch and use a rubber band as a door hanger, as a hand out or as a postcard wedged under the door, into the door jamb or in the mail box
Files for download (Microsoft Word format):
The file can be edited, including adding your name, address, phone number (can add your email). Note we have given the recipient an alternate option of signing up with the KanataNorth.ca volunteer/I need help registration page directly by email (with the help of their friends) or an email to the KBCA at our info@ email
The ideal paper would be business card stock thickness, but thicker paper or even "what ever you have" computer paper will do. A standard leather hole punch or 3 hole paper punch also works well. A rubber band looped through the hole makes a simple door hanger.
New Development Application for 1131 Teron
- Details
The lands at 1131 Teron Road have been sold and the new owner is proceeding with development with changes to the zoning, building details and land use. A development application was made on 6 Dec 2019.
The deadline for in initial comments is 20 Jan 2019.
There will be a Public Meeting, most likely in early February.
For more details see New Development Application for 1131 Teron
Call for Volunteers (Adults and Teens) to maintain Beaverbrook Ice Rinks
- Details
Call for Adults and Teens to maintain the outdoor ice rink at Stephen Leacock school
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Nov 2024 update
The City of Ottawa, through the KBCA, sponsors outdoor ice rinks at Stephen Leacock school (boarded rink for hockey, frozen “pond” for skaters) which are maintained by 1st Kanata Scouts.
The Scouts are looking for Adults, or Teens accompanied by an Adult, to be part of the rink maintenance team. Work includes nightly removal of the snow (snow blower, shovels) and flooding the rink from Dec to end of Feb..
Work is done in teams of two people. For teens this would be a parent and a teen. You need to commit to one shift per week, from 9PM to 10:30PM from December to end of Feb.
Kanata Sustainability Discussion and Planning Workshop - Oct 29
- Details
The Ottawa Biosphere Bio City (OBEC) & KBCA are running a Sustainability Discussion and Planning Workshop
Oct 29 @ 6PM
Kanata Beaverbrook Community Centre
1002 Beaverbrook Rd - Beaverbrook Centre - West Entrance (look for blue sign)
Sustain Kanata North was a highly successful project several years ago. Successful projects included:
- Cycling (TACK) including cycling maps of Kanata North
- Walk, Bike to School
- Local Farmers market (currently @ Centrum on Saturdays)
- Urban Garden
- Tom Thompson and other local park clean up, planting and plant maintenance
- Home energy profile
Building on that success, the OBEC and the KBCA are looking to re-visit the idea of sustainability projects and are looking for everyone in Kanata North to participate.
Register: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/kanata-north-sustainability-discussions-tickets-72427983047
Details: http://obec-evbo.ca/kanata-community-sustainability-plan
Questions: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

New City Rental Policy - including AirBNB rules
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The City of Ottawa is forming a policy for Rental Accommodation which includes "Short Term" rental (e.g. AirBNB) for which the recommendations are to ban “Ghost Hotels”, but if Beaverbrook and communities like it don’t come out strongly in support, the City may bend to AirBNB and similar organizations.
Provide feedback: Ottawa online survey until Oct 18
Community Input Public Meeting:
‘Short-Term Rental Accommodations”, Nepean Sportsplex, October 23, 6-8 pm