Updates for 2024

  •  Funding Grant for each Street event increased from $150 to $250
  • Assistance in finding a location for your event (e.g., you don't have quiet street to hold your event)

The KBCA is reviving street parties as a way to meet your neighbours and build community.

There has been a large turnover in the neighbourhood since 2019, and with COVID-19 limiting contact, many new residents have not had the chance to meet their neighbours.

So, it’s time to kick-start them as regular events for which the ideal dates are between May 15 to June 15 or Sept 1 to the first weekend in October.

For more info: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The KBCA is ready and willing to help with organizing, but this really has to be an event organized by and for the residents of a street or collection/cluster of streets.

We have a number of documents and templates to help (click :

To promote your event, the KBCA will also print off a customized version of our 3' by 2' signs for posting in your communities (example, below). The fields which can customized are shown in angle brackets "< >"

The KBCA is making a $150 grant available to any street/cluster organizing group for food, printing, recyclable cutlery, plates and glasses, and games/toys for the kids (or any other reasonable expense, not including alcohol).