While opposing Clublink’s redevelopment of the Kanata Lakes Golf Course will be largely done by volunteers from the community, to be effective and credible, we need to be prepared to (as the developer is doing) invest in legal and planning professionals (as required), lobbyist skills, direct mailings, brochures, etc. etc.
Raising significant funds provides us with these tools to push back.
As of April 17, 2019, the City has sent a letter to ClubLink that the City will defend the agreement should ClubLink make a development application for the Golf Course.
However, this is far from over. And we need funding for two primary purposes:
- Ensure the City will fund the legal expenses. While the City has announced support, it will need to approve a budget for legal fees this year and in all future years. This requires ensuring that all City Councillors continue their support for defending the 40% agreement, as ultimately the entire City Council votes on the annual budget
- Potential legal representation for the Community in court (if and when ClubLink/Ottawa end up in court) and to assist the City in the defense
For instructions on how to donate: https://ourkanatagreenspace.ca/donate-now/