Radon is second only to smoking as a cause of lung cancer.
If you live in Kanata North, your home is at high risk of having dangerous levels of Radon Gas. You may also want to think about Radon testing when looking to move to a new home - anywhere.
Nov is the perfect time to test as your windows are most likely closed and your heating system is in use.
Radio is an odorless, colourless gas, so it can only be detected via special tests or Radon specific electronic detectors
Trudel Home Hardware on March Rd is knowledgeable on Radon and stocks short term and long term test kits and an electronic detector.
- Short term test - $16.99 for the kit and $40, which you mail in with the test kit to be analyzed
- Long term test - $35.99 for the kit and $40 for analysis
- Electronic detector - $209.00 - continuous reading
The short term test will detect medium to high readings, which lets you take action sooner
The longer term test will detect lower readings (which can still be dangerous) and is more consistent than the short test
The electronic detector, which provides immediate results (e.g. overnight) and also acts as an alarm if the Radon levels rise. This is one way of testing a potential new home and is recommended if you end up needing Radon mitigation equipment to be installed in your home.
If your home has a Radon problem, the solution is referred to as "Radon Mitigation", which involves drilling a 5" hole in your basement floor and attaching a venting system to extract the gas and vent it outside. Cost is about $3,000
The following provides a good overview of tests and detection